Coping with Election Stress and FatiguePolitical elections can be stressful. The never-ending US election cycle is in the media 24/7/365. In Canada, we have seen recent elections in BC, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick and an early election has been called in Nova Scotia. Our Prime Minister is facing calls for his resignation, and our Premier is facing a leadership review this weekend. Many of us who identify with particular political values may feel under attack, and this can be stressful. I am reposting a blog from November of 2020, with just a couple of updates, because election stress is front and centre, yet again. As Canadians, we have no influence over the US election, but we know that the results will impact us. It is hard when you have no control over something that you have become emotionally involved in, and we won’t be able to move on or to build until it is settled. This is a great example of a situation where we have low decision control but will feel the stress or distress of the result. Alberta lawyers are not unified politically. Increasingly, there is little room for collaboration or dialogue, and the divide between the opposing camps is deep. The Alberta government has announced a review of 118 regulated professions, including the legal profession, and Alberta lawyers have the opportunity to complete a survey about issues impacting us. Please take the five to ten minutes that this survey requires so that our voices can be heard. The cynical among us believe that decisions will be made regardless of the views lawyers express, but the only way we have a chance of ensuring that our views factor in decision-making is to complete the survey. You can complete the survey here: In situations like this, it is important to recognize that while you cannot control the event, you can control how you react to it. You may well be unhappy, shocked, or horrified with election outcomes—or the result of the government review of regulated professions, but remember that all things pass. Focus on how you are moving forward with your own life and take a deep breath (or several of them.) I have gathered self-help tips for post-election distress from some of my sister organizations under the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs, which I have synthesized here: Don’t dwell on the news: take breaks from social media or use it mindfully, and limit how much news you watch. Court challenges may follow outcomes, meaning that the period of uncertainty (and perhaps incivility) will continue. Checking twice a day for actualized news or results may be healthier than keeping a newsfeed going through the day.
Sometimes we withdraw and isolate ourselves when we feel troubled. Drawing inward while we process complex emotions for a period of time can be helpful, but don’t let it go on too long. Assist has drop-in coffee circles on Mondays at noon where all lawyers are welcome. This is a non-judgmental and non-threatening group where you can listen and observe or engage fully—whatever works for you. The polarization of political discourse appears ingrained in our current world and it may continue unresolved with the possibility of lengthy court challenges. We all have other traumas and many of us experience a lack of control in our lives. We need to be strong, and we need to get through this together. Assist is here with professional counselling (1-877-498-6898 including 24/7 crisis counselling) and peer support (1-877-737-5508) as well as community activities like Red Mug Coffee Circles, Tuesday online Mindfulness and Wednesday online Yoga. We have resources on our website, from mental health self-checks to strategies including mindfulness, resilience and stress management. Stay strong, Loraine With gratitude to Minnesota Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Massachusetts Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers and Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program for their excellent resources. |
Coping with Election Stress and Fatigue