Enhancing the immediate and long-term well-being of Alberta lawyers, articling and law students, and their families through confidential and non-judgmental psychological assistance, peer support, education and community.
Be confident in our confidentiality—we adhere to principles of strict confidentiality, within legal and ethical boundaries in all situations.
Assist and its representatives will treat you with warmth, kindness and compassion—Assist is a safe place.
Connection is important for well-being. We foster connection within the legal community by responding to needs that arise. We do this as a tribute to our roots as a Lawyers Helping Lawyers organization.
Loneliness and isolation can lead to depression and other challenges. Assist builds community to combat loneliness and isolation.
Dignity and hope are connected to a person’s wellbeing. Providing dignity and hope for program participants is fundamental to every Assist interaction.
We unite with lawyers and students to counteract mental health stigma, negative assumptions and challenges of any kind.