Lawyer Mental Health Surveys
Lawyers in Canada and the United States face high rates of mental health and addictions issues. Read the surveys of the professions in both countries.
Federation of Law Societies
National Study on the Health and Wellness Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada, Phase I 2020-2022, Université de Sherbrooke led by Dr. Nathalie Cadieux, with funding from the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Canadian Bar Association
Survey of Lawyers on Wellness Issues. Legal Profession Assistance Conference, Canadian Bar Association 2012
The Prevalence of Substance Use and Other Mental Health Concerns Among American Attorneys. Journal of Addiction Medicine:January/February 2016 - Volume 10 - Issue 1 - p 46-52.
Charting a Sustainable Path Forward: What the ABA/Hazelden Betty Ford Study Means for the Future of the Profession. Presenters: Linda Albert, LCSW, CSAC, Patrick R. Krill, J.D., LL.M. Moderator: Terry Harrel, Exec. Dir. JLAP