Alberta Lawyers' Assistance Society

News & Events


Lawyers and Family Day, 2024

Lawyers and Family Day, 2024

Lawyers and Family Day, 2024  Lawyers and Family Day—what a great combination! We have a profession that never has enough time, and we have a statutory holiday.

Volunteering - It's in You to Give

Volunteering - It's in You to Give

When we use the expression “it’s in you to give,” we are usually thinking about donating blood, something that is truly inside us and that we can give.

Assertiveness and the Holiday Season

Assertiveness and the Holiday Season

Assertiveness and the Holiday Season  Those of you who follow this blog or who read the National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants for Legal Professionals in Canada know that the...

Happy 2024! What 2023 Showed

Happy 2024! What 2023 Showed

Happy 2024! What 2023 Showed We are a bit off season at Assist—our yearend is October 31st, so today is the first day of the second month of 2024.