Volunteering - It's in You to Give
When we use the expression “it’s in you to give,” we are usually thinking about donating blood, something that is truly inside us and that we can give.
When we use the expression “it’s in you to give,” we are usually thinking about donating blood, something that is truly inside us and that we can give.
Associates’ Lament/I Hate Myself for Working Here: The Soundtrack of Your Life When I was in high school in Edmonton, I had the privilege to attend Old Scona Academic High School,...
Happy 2024! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, whatever you celebrate and however you spent it.
Assist Myth Busters 2.
Assertiveness and the Holiday Season Those of you who follow this blog or who read the National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants for Legal Professionals in Canada know that the...
Happy 2024! What 2023 Showed We are a bit off season at Assist—our yearend is October 31st, so today is the first day of the second month of 2024.
Networking and Job-Finding When I was a young lawyer in the 1980s, Alberta was in a recession.
In last week’s blog, I shared my takeaways from the CBA Well-Being Conference.
Vacation Memos, Climbing Trees and Being Like Engineers: Stress Management Tips from the CBA Well-Being Conference This week, I was fortunate to travel to Toronto to attend the CBA Well-Being Conference...
Email Overload and the Bencher Election Many of us feel overwhelmed by the volume of information impacting us—through email, social media, ads—and the information seems increasingly complex and urgent.